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Annotated Graduate Transcript

This transcript offers insight to my graduate education in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program, offered by Michigan State University (MSU). Throughout the MAET program I took courses in Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education (CEP) along with courses in Teacher Education (TE).

TE 802:Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice I
Fall 2018
Rebecca Witte

This course was a part of my student internship year through the Michigan State University (MSU) College of Education. The focus of this course was to support future educators on becoming successful, effective English Language Arts (ELA) teachers. During this course I learned about how to teach using the Michigan Common Core Standards in ELA, while adhering to the standards and curriculum provided by school districts. The culmination of this course was the creation of a 10-day writing unit. I co-created a realistic fiction writing unit with educator Mary Verberg.

TE 803:Professional Roles and Teaching Practice II
Spring 2019
Alyssa Whitford

This course was a part of my student internship year through the MSU College of Education. The focus of this course was to support future educators on becoming critically-conscious social studies teachers. This course focused on learning to align lessons and units with the Michigan Social Studies Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE). The culmination of this course was to create and deliver a 10-day social studies unit. I co-created a 4th grade government unit with educator Mary Verberg.

TE 804: Reflection and Inquire in Teaching Practice II
Spring 2019
Rachel Larimore

This course was a part of my student internship year through the MSU College of Education. The focus of this course was to support future educators on creating authentic science lessons and units. I learned how to align science lessons with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to help promote critical thinking and exploration in science classrooms. The culmination of this course was to deliver a successful 10-day science unit.

CEP 810, 811, 812: Mindsets for Innovation
Summer 2022
Liz Boltz and Chris Sloan

These courses were combined as the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) Overseas program in Galway, Ireland! Throughout this 4 week, accelerated experience, I read the thought-provoking "A More Beautiful Question," by Warren Berger. This book, along with Ed. Tech. journals and articles, educated me on the importance of asking questions and having an open mindset to learning and implementing technology. During the course I created an audio essay, researched the "Wicked Problem" of teacher burnout, created a science lesson using TPACK (Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge and Content Knowledge), and researched how to create a digitally-founded classroom culture.

CEP 800: Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings
Summer 2023
Ron Houtman and Kyle Shack

This course was rooted in the concept of learning and how people learn. I studied a variety of learning theories, such as: behaviorism, cognitive learning theory, and social learning theory. Throughout the length of the course I wrote blog posts about how people learn and expectations of learning. The culmination of the semester was my finalized Personal Learning Theory.

CEP 822: Approaches to Educational Research
Summer 2023
David Wong

The focus of this course was to learn new approaches to conducting research. Throughout this course I read articles about quantitative research and data collection. I also conducted research to analyze a problem within my field of study, Educational Technology. The problem I researched was the misconception that learning with technology is less meaningful than learning without tech. The culmination of this course was my finalized research project.

CEP 813: Electronic Assessment for Teaching and Learning
Summer 2023
Brittany Dillman

This course focused on learning about, understanding, creating, and critiquing assessment. Throughout the course I read articles about the inception of assessment, such as the SAT, and learned about the effects assessment has on learners. I wrote blog posts about my best and worst assessments, as well as blog posts about assessment technology and data. I also created assessments using a variety of content areas, techniques, structure, resources, responses, and considerations.

CEP 807: Capstone Seminar
Summer 2023
Matthew Koehler

This course was focused on the creation of a professional website- what you are currently viewing! I learned how to create a website and add pages to help showcase my work throughout the MAET program. My websites gives viewers insight to my work as a student and educator. The culmination of this course was the Capstone Exhibition where I published and presented my professional website.

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